Post NAHBS Traumatic Stress Disorder

by | Mar 14, 2012

The North American Handmade Bicycle Show ended a week ago Sunday. After NAHBS, I spent 2+ days in San Francisco before flying home. I saw my house in the darkness of a Thursday evening and was in my car the next day at 9AM. Obligations away from Downtime Abbey (the current name for the estate…) took me to the Jersey Shore through last night. My fingers, used several times over, tell me that I have been away from home going past the 16 day mark.

Getting ready for NAHBS is an ordeal in itself, and someday I will speak to that alone. Oh, returning from NAHBS after participating in NAHBS – these are also ordeals. I have a book’s worth of fodder to map out for anyone who really wants to know what happens, with whom, and to whom. For now, all I can focus on is balance. Finding balance after back-to-back-to-back ordeals takes strength. The easy way to deal with recovering from the trip is to procrastinate. The emails, bills, laundry, and phone calls to return all can wait atmo. When you (read: me) see all the parcels you sent to yourself from the venue waiting to be opened and checked for safe travel, the first step to finding a balance usually involves denial. I can’t believe I have to deal with this crap.  OR, Never again, it’s too much of a life distraction. OR, Who has a six pack of Smuttynose IPA? All I really want is three bottles.

This happens every year, and I am already signed up for 2013 despite my lamentations (Data point: I have never, ever used the word lamentation in a sentence before today). All the parcels made it back safe and sound. My precious bijoux of a studio shop is once again a perfect Google Image match if you do a search for the word chaos, and I shot some pictures to prove it. The ones below are a teaser. I will link the rest in a day or two. I am not here to create disorder; I am here to arrange disorder.